It has been two days since the last update and I will do my best to fill all of you in on the stuff that we have been doing. I have decided that instead of writing a HUGE post about everything that has happened I will post a bunch of pictures and briefly comment about each one of them. That way you will get to SEE the amazing things that we have been a part of. The pictures have been mixed up a bit so they will NOT be in chronological order. I hope you enjoy the journey.
There have been two main places we have been involved in the last few days. A town called ‘Pacoche’ where we were engaged in various work projects to help out the local school and church and ‘San Lorenzo’ where we continued with the street program we started last Monday.
Hannah’s Benches
A very proud Hannah holding up the two benches she fixed on her own. They were busted apart and she figured out how to reinforce the legs and proceeded to complete the project with just a little help cutting the wood!
Jeremy and Alicia wearing the appropriate safety equipment cutting pieces of rebar for one for the windows being built at the local school. The team was at the school and church for two days completing several projects. At the school some were giving the task of building windows and doors to help secure a building that is being used. It is not an easy task but the community is extremely grateful for both our help and the funds to complete these tasks.
The other project the rest of us did was sand down many, many tables and benches in order to prepare them to be lacquered. This was a huge blessing to the church who uses these table for both the Sunday School program and a Tuesday afternoon kids club that draws out 60 - 70 kids and moms. Here David, Amanda and Alicia show off their mad sanding skills and demonstrate the always fashionable dust mask.
Independence Day
After careful instruction, a safety briefing, monitoring and assistance Alicia tried her hand at using a skill saw for the first time. (Please note: this picture was for demonstration purposes only. Proper safety equipment was used during the actual cutting process).
A Blessing
At the church one of the projects some completed was to paint one of the rooms in the pastors house. This was an incredible blessing to the pastors wife who had no idea that we were going to do this. For the rest of the day she kept thanking us and had a huge smile on her face. Here we see Dawna applying her significant artistic skills to what was a nasty looking white wall. What a difference some color makes!
Sanding...and sanding...and sanding
Here David and Amanda sand down old pieces of reclaimed wood to use as bars in some of the windows. The people here use whatever material is available to complete some of the most amazing tasks. Things that we would just throw on the curb to be wasted in a land fill they use to the greatest effectiveness.
Kids Club (San Lorenzo)
Here Hannah, Joshua, David, Lili and Susan Fernane (one of the missionaries working here with Extreme Response) provide music leadership at the kids club in San Lorenzo. What looks simple is not. Trying to sing spanish worship songs that you barely know takes patience and skill.
Kids Club (San Lorenzo)
Here we see one table of kids at the club. It is an awesome outreach opportunity for the church that provides, once a week, a musical program, a message, a snack, and a craft. What started out as a grassroots project has blossomed into a full fledged ministry.
looks as though you're all getting lots done. Great experience for each of you. We're praying for you all.
Donna (grandma to Alicia)